In the media

Recent events like the war in Ukraine and the domino effect it brought to global trade and supply chains prove that strategies like Germany's are becoming all the more relevant regarding connectivity via rail or even sea. A Germany distanced from China could blow another strike to the fragile Eurasian transport. Yet, according to experts and the...

At a time of competition for winning hearts, minds, and infrastructure contracts, the West's insistence on higher standards, while laudable, could be a hindrance, said Frans-Paul van der Putten, an expert on China at the Clingendael Institute in the Netherlands.

This week's summit, and the increasingly terse tone taken by top European leaders, follows a spate of new EU initiatives meant to curb Beijing's worst excesses. Last week, the EU unveiled a new scheme meant to fight back against China's use of state subsidies to give its firms an unfair advantage against European rivals; this fall, a long-planned...